Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Wind Taketh Away

The satellite unit went off while I was doing some laundry at the yard this morning. I'm to take a load of Kellogg's products from here out to Loveland, Colorado to go commune with the hippie type I met a few weeks ago.

The 530-mile drive west was plagued by wind, and lots of it. The truck was at its usual measured pace (read: slow) but I couldn't get my MPG over 6.0. Consider that I took a load over the Rockies a few days ago and averaged 6.6 MPG after climbing over 11,000 feet above sea level! Wind sucks.

Anyway, the day was bright and hot until I got within 30 minutes of Loveland when a thunderstorm decided it was time for my truck to get a bath. By the time I got to the Wal-Mart DC it was down to just sprinkles and I checked in then parked for the night.