Friday, July 24, 2009

Two quick trips then home

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I finished out the week with a load of pallets (a first for me) from Omaha to Lawrenceburg, Indiana. It rained most of the way and was coming down in buckets while I was at the consignee's outdoor docks. Wet, very wet.

My next dispatch had me heading to Louisville, Kentucky to grab a preloaded trailer filled with GE appliances for Nebraska Furniture Mart in Kansas City, Kansas. The address was vague (try looking up "S10-288" on your GPS sometime) but I eventually figured out where I needed to be. The dilapidated warehouse itself was part of a much larger facility built probably fifty years ago. Water leaked from the ceilings, the bathroom was a real mess and everything screamed "its hell on earth working there", unless you're living in a recession of course.

There was a cute sign directing drivers that referenced those "trailors" again. Difficult to imagine a company the size of GE letting that slip.

Anyway, grabbed that load and got to Haubstadt, Indiana then yesterday finished out the trip and headed home for the weekend.