It is good to be the king, or at least to go to The King's home town. I'm sure Elvis would be pleased that I'm delivering a load of frozen meat to his crib, so to speak.
What isn't so pleasing is the large detour one is compelled to make around the Ozarks, as you can see in this map:
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This ends up costing me about 75 out-of-route miles for this run; about 10% of the total miles. Since I only get paid (or my fuel compensated for) dispatched miles, versus "actual, real, this is the honest-to-goodness shortest route for us humans" this run won't be the best for efficiency. Worse, the price of fuel went up 15 cents a gallon at our yard at midnight last night and I couldn't fuel because I was on my 34-hour break. I'll be awaiting the $25 check from the DOT folks to pay me back for this.
P.S. Eagle-eyed readers will no doubt notice that there is no trip #4 listed. That was the one back from Ottawa to Omaha.
P.P.S. Yes, I am aware there are a variety of small, twisty US and state highways with a slightly more direct route. Having driven them before, I'll pass.
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