I completed my two drops in Denver and Grand Junction today within a reasonable amount of time. Heading over the Rockies on I-70 was exciting with such a light load. Eisenhower and Vail passes had decent amount of snow and ice on the western sides which made descending all the much more, shall we say, invigorating.
I didn't think about it when I picked up the trailer but I wasn't technically legal running through Colorado because I didn't have an extra set of chains that would fit on the super single tires!
Tomorrow's plan is to head back east to Denver then north up to Fort Collins to grab a load of beer heading to the thirsty fans in the Kansas City area for Saturday.
Going Basic
To free up my domain name for other uses, I'm going back to the basic
blogger address of www.gigiroxx.blogspot.com So feel free to update
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9 years ago