When I get a load sent to me before my current load has delivered, I call it a Pre Plan. Logically, then, when I have delivered a load and there is no plan and I have to wait for hours and hours and hours for it to arrive, I dub it a Post Plan.
This morning I dropped off some 40,000 pounds of cow hearts (yes, you read that correctly) at the underground storage place in Valmeyer, Illinois. Then I sat around and waited. I cleaned the truck a bit. I fed my pie hole. I even had so much time I went through a box of various cables and sorted them into different types. I'm told there are six different USB connectors widely used in computers. I have at least five of them on the ends of various cables. No joke.
I pestered my dispatcher and by mid-afternoon he gave me my new mission: deadhead up to Ottawa, Illinois and grab a PetSmart load heading to Rapid City, South Dakota for an unusual 1300 delivery appointment on Wednesday.
The deadhead was uneventful and tonight I sit in the parking lot of the local super Wal-Mart. Tomorrow morning I will grab some groceries then head a few blocks away to the distribution center and exchange my empty trailer for the one with the load.
Going Basic
To free up my domain name for other uses, I'm going back to the basic
blogger address of www.gigiroxx.blogspot.com So feel free to update
your bookmark...
9 years ago