After an interesting delivery yesterday in Kearney, Nebraska, I was sent to nearby Lexington, Nebraska (home of my favorite super Wal-Mart -- great truck parking!) to a Tyson plant. My load was supposed to be ready by 1830 but they were having problems and I didn't roll out the gate until after 2100. It was due this morning in Emporia, Kansas, a drive of about 360 miles.
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The departure delay took my estimated arrival time from between midnight and 0100 to something more like 0400. This is the difference between stretching a few more hours past my regular bedtime to the pain-in-the-ass tired overnight trips I love to hate.
The weather wasn't cooperating, either. Strong gusts of arctic air and snow flurries punctuated the first half of the drive, eventually devolving to just cold weather. I had to pull over to take three or four power naps as I tired out since I don't use caffeine, nicotine or other stimulants.
Some poor schmoo must have peed in someone's cornflakes, as the weigh station between Nebraska and Kansas along a state highway was manned at 0200 or so when I drove by. Poor guy.
Delivered early this morning and sent an admonition in to my dispatcher: "This driver is exhausted, grumpy and sleepy. Do not disturb until 1200."
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